Monday, January 18, 2016

Some Thoughts On My Hero --- Martin Luther King Jr.


I'm not big most holidays. Any-one who knows me knows that I am no fan of New Years, Valentine's Day, Easter, Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas. In all honesty, I think they're nonsense. I've felt for a long time that most people use these days for no other reason than to get off of work.

But there is at least one holiday that I am all for. One that celebrates a person that actually lived in this world, and left a major impact on society by demonstrating peace in the face of violence. Of course I am referring to Martin Luther King Jr. Day. One of the few holidays that celebrates someone/something that is worth celebrating.

We throw the word 'Hero' around much too often. It seems that it is as commonly used to describe a decent individual as saying "Boy, that person is really nice." We use it to describe politicians, athletes, actors, singers, etc --- some of whom deserve the honor of being called hero because of the positive impact they may have made on society in one way or another. But certainly not all of them.

In my view, Martin Luther King Jr. was the very definition of a societal hero. Why? Because he stood in the face of hatred, of bigotry, of violence, and of evil and he challenged them all with the most powerful weapon --- nonviolence, which in turn, costs him his life.

There were many voices during the Civil Rights' Era on the side of civil rights who were calling for acts of violence to express their anger at the hell that many of their race were being subjected to by racists, whom easily got away with violent crimes against the African American community. It is reasonable to say that the anger preached by some civil rights activists was indeed justified. "Eye for an eye."

But MLK did not agree that anger and violence was a winning formula when trying to defeat hatred.

"Darkness can not drive out darkness. Only light can do. Hate can not drive out hate. Only love can do that," he once said. And I would say, if there is one thing I admired and love the most about MLK, it would be quotes like those --- and what they say about the truly astonishing character of this great man.

The ability to look the kind of evil that he looked at in the face and respond with peacefulness, and nonviolence --- I find to be one of the most remarkable things in the entire history of not only this country, but the entire world.

One last thing: I am a passionate anti corporal punishment advocate. And just today, I read a in interview that was conducted in 1985 in which King's daughter Yolanda said that her father "Never spanked us. He didn't believe in spanking kids." When I read that, I smiled. And my admiration for the man I had already considered a hero grew even more --- if that is possible.

"Hate can not drive out hate."

Thursday, December 31, 2015

My Predictions For 2016

Time to make a fool out of myself by making a series of predictions for 2016 that are sure to be wrong. I'm predicting sports, politics, and pop culture. Here we go!

Donald Trump will win the Republican nomination for president.

Ted Cruz will finish 2nd, but won't give The Donald much of a fight.

Hillary Clinton will win the Democratic nomination.

Bernie Sanders will give her a tough fight --- that will take a lot out of HRC as she prepares for the general.

The Arizona Cardinals will represent the NFC in Super Bowl 50.

The New England Patriots will represent the AFC in Super Bowl 50.

The Arizona Cardinals will win Super Bowl 50 in blowout fashion. Sorry, Tom.

"Fuller House" will be the biggest success in the history of Netflix. The Tanners are back!

"The X Files" will be FOX's most watched TV series of 2016.

The new "Ghostbusters" film will be the highest grossing film of 2016, but will not rival the Success of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens." Nostalgia always wins.

Donald Trump will say at least 146 things that will piss groups of people off. But nothing will cost him votes.

The idiocy of baseball's Hall of Fame voters will continue --- as Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens will once again not get voted in to the Hall of Fame.

"Spotlight" will win the Oscar for Best Picture. Even though it probably was not the best film of 2015. They never pick the best film.

Ariana Grande will not lick a doughnut.

Peyton Manning will not retire.

The Golden State Warriors will lose to the San Antonio Spurs in the Western Conference Finals.

The Cleveland Cavaliers will beat a mediocre team in the Eastern Conference Finals.

The San Antonia Spurs will beat the Cleveland Cavaliers in 5 games in this year's NBA Finals.

A record number of babies will be born exactly nine months after Coldplay's halftime performance at Super Bowl 50.

Unfortunately, Bill Cosby will not go to prison.

The Kansas City Royals will once again represent the American League in the World Series.

The Chicago Cubs will finally represent the Nation League in the World Series.

The Chicago Cubs will finally win the World Series.

Political pundits will keep predicting the demise of Donald Trump's candidacy.

Hillary Clinton will have another scandal of some kind.

The San Diego Chargers, and Oakland Raiders will both move to Los Angeles.

The St. Louis Rams will stay the St. Louis Rams.

Jeb Bush will have an emotional breakdown at some point.

Mainstream music will continue to suck.

Award shows will continue to suck.

Chip Kelly will be a head coach for an NFL team in 2016.

Donald Trump will choose Sarah Palin as his running mate.

Hillary Clinton will choose Julian Castro as her running mate.

Donald Trump will win the presidency.

Happy New Year!